Consulting with Physicians, Educators, and Mental Health Providers
I enjoy collaborating with health service professionals and educators to provide the best care possible.
Pediatrician and naturopathic physicians: These physicians can rule out physical health issues as the cause of psychological concerns. I may discuss referrals for sleep studies, neurology, genetics, dieticians, rheumatology, or lab work with your child's doctors.
Prescribing Physicians: Given well known side effects and long term impacts, we will do all we can from a psychological point of view to prevent the need for psychiatric care. For example, we may work to increase a child's physical activity, sleep, and healthy food intake.
Schools: I work with schools to support your child, including having teachers complete questionnaires, observing your child at school, and consulting with school staff.
Referral and Collaboration with Other Mental Health Providers: If additional psychotherapy services are beneficial, I will refer you or your family accordingly and collaborate with other mental health providers involved in your child’s care.
Pediatrician and naturopathic physicians: These physicians can rule out physical health issues as the cause of psychological concerns. I may discuss referrals for sleep studies, neurology, genetics, dieticians, rheumatology, or lab work with your child's doctors.
Prescribing Physicians: Given well known side effects and long term impacts, we will do all we can from a psychological point of view to prevent the need for psychiatric care. For example, we may work to increase a child's physical activity, sleep, and healthy food intake.
Schools: I work with schools to support your child, including having teachers complete questionnaires, observing your child at school, and consulting with school staff.
Referral and Collaboration with Other Mental Health Providers: If additional psychotherapy services are beneficial, I will refer you or your family accordingly and collaborate with other mental health providers involved in your child’s care.